Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Crucial Guide during the Pandemic

At this time of trouble and fear, these words are my guide:
'Evil (which the coronavirus stands for and has) is certainly real. But what is good in this world is just as real. There is a terrific tendency—and it’s contempt—to have this pandemic make dim, dwarf, annul in one’s thoughts what is good and beautiful, from a blue sky, to a friend’s kindness, to the music of Beethoven. A central way of using COVID-19 to like the world is to feel, “I want to use this to value what is beautiful: to know it, love it, see it as more real and vivid than I ever did.”' - Ellen Reiss, Aesthetic Realism Chairman of Education
(Read more here, including about the contempt of various persons "in high places" that helped get us into this situation):

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